Tis the Season to Eat , Drink , Decorate
Thanksgiving is over , now its the mad dash until the end of the year. Here are 6 things you MUST consider doing before the year is over.
Christmas lights- Get those lights up. Please do not drive by my house to see that I don't have my lights up yet, but I am working on it ASAP. Lets enjoy our lit creations early.
Get Organized. Getting organized can help you figure out what you have and what you need for the holidays so you don't over spend. Sam from Simply Organized does an excellent job with keeping you savvy and organized and always shares valuable shopping resources.
Photo: Courtesy of simply organized
Get some gift cards. Christmas is now less than 30 days away. Be ready. Tackle it like the boss that you are. Everyone loves a good gift card, but don't stop there. Make it memorable. Wrap it in tissue paper. Place it in a beautiful box. Write a special note explaining why you chose this particular card for them. Need a last minute surprise gift? Wether you have neighbors or a co-worker, who needs secret Santa gifts, these are really a must have, so stock up!
Amazon makes getting gift cards so easy. You just have to click here and they show up at your door ready to go!
Cookie Exchange. Have a cookie exchange with your neighbors or small group of friends. Don't have any killer recipes???? ....... its okay check out Cookiedonyc , they have a bright and beautiful collection of dough that is fun and oh so yummy. So we say don't stop at the cookies. Let's get hot cocoa and marshmallows too!
Photo: Courtesy of Cookiedonyc.com
Visit the Newport Dunes.
If you are local to So. Cal this is a can't miss. The Newport Dunes Resort has over 50 floating Christmas trees. The lighting is so beautiful and fun for the whole family. It gets a wee bit Chili so bring your sweaters. If you are not local to So. Cal , a tree lighting ceremony should do the trick. Nothing gets you in the mood like some cocoa , carols, and Christmas trees all lit up.
Get inspired to Decorate
Photo of: Becky Cunningham Home Decor blogger
If you have ever visited King of Christmas they have jaw dropping inspiration that you can use to create a winter wonderland in your home. Flocked trees are all the rage this year. Get some fantastic ideas and get going.
Tis the Season ......... so Eat , Drink , & Decorate.