5 Tips to Keep Your Goals On Track and Maximize 2021

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I think we can collectively agree that 2020 was a year full of challenges and surprises. We have all had to learn to adapt to our circumstances and try to make the best out of the cards we were dealt. 

2021 is here, and with it comes hope and optimism that this year will be kinder to us all. It also means that it is goal setting season!! Taking the time to make thoughtful goals and resolutions will not only help us stay on track but motivate us to accomplish them. 

Read on for 5 tips to keep your goals on track and maximize 2021:

Set realistic goals

People often abandon their New Year resolutions because they create ones that are unattainable for them to achieve that year. Take some time to sit down with yourself and think about why you want to achieve each specific goal. It also helps to pick ones that excite you. This will help ensure that you do all that you can to complete your desired objective.

Create a vision board

You can do this on Pinterest or even on good old fashioned scrapbook paper. Add photos to your board that will motivate you and reminds you of what you’d like to accomplish. This will give you more of a visual guide to accomplishing your desires.

Keep a journal

Writing out your goals and the reasons why you want to accomplish them will help be a reminder to refer back to when you’re feeling unmotivated. You can also keep track of your success and struggles. In a year from now, you will feel so proud of yourself when you reflect on the obstacles you’ve overcome.

Tell your inner circle

After you’ve made a list of what you would like to accomplish for the year, tell someone you’re close to about it. This will help keep you on track and allow you to act as each other's accountability partners. If you have a family member or friend reminding you of your resolution, you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

Be patient with yourself

Breaking old habits and starting new habits can be challenging. Remember the 21/90 rule. If you can commit to a goal for 21 days it should become a habit. Once you’ve established that habit, continue for another 90 days and it will become apart of your lifestyle. Remember this is not a race and once you have committed to a goal you have the rest of your life to work on it.

Here's to setting goals and resolutions that help us grow and develop into better versions of ourselves!
